fredag 14. oktober 2011

Inspiring people!

I just have to write a blog-post about my fantastic co-workers! They are so inspirational, so amazing, gifted, resourceful, motivating, positiv, and just totaly awesome! When I came here, they welcomed me with open arms! I have only been working here for 2 1/2 months, but already, I feel like I have learned so much. I have a lot of respect for them, and the work they're doing. They are structured, focused and they get the job done, in their own way. But they are also so creativ, funny eccentric and slightly crazy. Therefor the staff-meeting are never boring!
I just wanted to write this post, because I feel that they deserve that attention! And to show them that I truly appreciate and respect them!
Seriously, I have the best job ever and I am so lucky!

tirsdag 4. oktober 2011

Being proud!

These days I am being very excited and I am so proud. My Hald-kids (that's what I like to call them) are going out in to the world. And I am so impressed with them. They have so many resources, gifts, abilites and potetial to do so much and so many things. They are really going to achieve great things! I know that! They may not revolutionize or change the whole world at once. But they will mean something to someone, and they will make a difference!

I fell so lucky and blessed to be able to be a part of it all. That I can witness their experiences and their journey. I am looking forward to hearing their reflections and their thoughts.
They may feel like they are not changing the world, and they will not always see what they are doing them self, but they will be a part of the bigger picture and something important. And trust me, they will achieve something all of them. That I believe in!

So go, and be great, and change the world one small step at the time like I know you can!

søndag 2. oktober 2011

Being your self...

I just wrote in my qoute-box "How and when will my reflections show who I am inside?". Does your reflection, the person you see in the mirrow, reflect who you are? Is the person you see in the mirrow the same person as inside? Is the person you see in the mirrow someone you are proud of? Are you being true to Gods creation? Are you fulfilling your potential?

I think you should be your self. And you should be that all the time, every day!
If you are yourself, you will be able to do so much more and achieve greater things.
You will be much more happy and satisfied with your life and your self.
The original version of you are so much better then any other version!

And just think, if you are not being yourself, and if you are not going to be your self, then who are you going to be?

lørdag 1. oktober 2011

Things have change!

I walk from the main building up to the dorm-room.
I walk up the stairs.
I walk through the corridor
... so quiet!

I sit in the living room
I sit on the lawn
I sit in the computer room
... so empty!

The students left, and it is so quiet
The students left, and it is so empty
The students left, and it is so strange
... everything is compleetly different!